The one used the actual locomotor orderliness gained by reverse seeking to amend the contour curve of the cam . the new academic contour curve of the cam and tracks of polar and right angle coordinates of the center of reamer were presented 第一种是根据反求得到的实际从动件运动规律,修正了开牙凸轮轮廓曲线,给出了新的凸轮理论轮廓曲线和刀具中心极坐标轨迹和直角坐标轨迹。
The other used a similar locomotor orderliness to substitute the original by compare . the new academic and actual contour curve of the cam and tracks of polar and right angle coordinates of the center of reamer were presented , too 第二种是通过与原开牙凸轮机构从动件运动规律相比较,采用一种相似的运动规律来替代原运动规律,也给出了凸轮理论轮廓曲线、实际轮廓曲线和刀具中心轨迹。